Goku is the One of the last Saiyans in the universe, Goku is the most powerful fighter of all. Though many people say Brolly is the Legendary Super Saiyan, but I doubt it. I believe its Goku. He is the only one to reach all the true Saiyan forms(Mystic is not a true Saiyan form), and at most points in DBZGT is the most powerful being in the universe. He is the hero throughout all three series, and is the very first Z fighter to go Super Saiyan(Brolly preceded him). He has a wife named Chi-Chi, who is the Earth's most powerful female until her daughter-in-law Videl, and then Gohans and her daughter, Pan. He has two sons named Gohan and Goten, who both go Super Saiyan. He was originally sent to void Earth of life, but the crash caused him to forget his mission. He was trained by his adoptive grandfather, Gohan, Master Roshi, Korin, Kami, King Kai, and of course, his toughest master is himself. He constantly trains, and is usually the first to introduce a new Saiyan form.