Drizzt left Menzoberranzan in search of a better life, and eventually found his way to the surface after time alone in the wilds of the Underdark and a sojourn with the Deep Gnomes. Most people he met treated him with hatred and disgust, leaving only the most open-minded and open-hearted people to accept him. One of these people was Montolio Debrouchee (Mooshie).
Drizzt was taught the ways of the ranger from Mooshie, a blind human, and Drizzt realized he had followed these ways all of his life. From this time on, he made his matron goddess Mielikki, Faerûnian goddess of the forest and of rangers.
After the death of his mentor, Drizzt eventually found himself in Icewind Dale in search for a new home. There he met some of his best friends: Bruenor Battlehammer, Catti-Brie, Wulfgar, and Regis. Fantastical adventures with his friends led him back south to Mithril Hall, where he currently resides.
Thoughtful and sensitive to others, Drizzt holds himself to the highest ideals but doe

Early in his surface travels, Alustriel Silverhand welcomed him as warmly and personally as she does all in need, but dared not let him openly into Silverymoon at that time. His deeds have, very slowly, made Drizzt Do'Urden more welcome in the Sword Coast North.
Thrice in his life, Drizzt had regressed into a bestial and instinctive state of mind in which he was identified as the Hunter. The first time this happened was after Drizzt had fled from Menzoberranzan and was living in the wilds of the Underdark The second was when he went back to his homeland to prevent harm from coming to his friends in the book "Starless Night". The third time was during the war with King Obould Many Arrows and his horde of orcs. Drizzt had thought Bruenor dead, and wasn't certain if his other friends were alive. When Drizzt is the Hunter, he reaches his physical apex, his skills honed to their utmost peak. His scimitars are like extensions of his own arms, and his senses are heightened beyond their normal capacity.
As a dark elf, Drizzt is innately able to summon globes of darkness at will in an area or attached to a target. Because he is a drow noble, he can also summon a harmless "faerie fire", which outlines a target, making it easier to spot. At one time, he had the ability to levitate, but the sunlight destroyed the magic of his House sigil which enabled this feat, and he gradually lost this ability. He can, however, still adjust his eyes to the infrared spectrum, allowing him to see in the dark. His agility and fighting prowess are legendary, and many have described his movements as too fast to follow with the eye, drow or human.

Drizzt Do'Urden means dreamer who walks in the dark.
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